
a. ‘to define (a concept) again

b. ‘to reexamine or reevaluate
with a view to change / TRANSFORM’


Venturing beyond the conventional idea of a Business Club

T odays probems cannot be solved by applying the same thinking that created them. Many systems need to change; We need alternative forms of governance, resource management, education, healthcare and ecology. Innovation is the key to achieving positive change.

Our mission is to accelerate this process of innovation.

Our promise to our members


About our organisation

R edefine is a cooperative with members. Our members have a voice in deciding the club’s course. Our organisation is active in the Amsterdam Region and committed to contributing to global welfare and prosperity, by using accelerated innovation to solve societal issues we are facing today.

Founded by Laurens Trimpe

Redefine was founded in 2019 by Laurens Trimpe. Laurens has helped over 40 businesses to redefine markets by challenging conventions, by identifying opportunities for innovation and by designing beautiful experiences that deliver real value. As an innovation manager, his purpose is to make teams excel at designing, building and optimizing products and services. He believes that, for innovation to thrive within a company, a transition must be achieved from a traditional profit driven/ hierarchical approach to a more purpose driven, connected way of working together.


The Freedomlab campus, a wonderful platform for creative minds.

Redefine is very proud to work with the renowned Freedomlab campus. This wonderful place is a platform for a community of deeply analytical thinkers, futurists and trendwatchers. It is also a warm and faciliting space for dynamic speaking events, workshops and co-creation sessions. We are very grateful for the support we have received during the startup phase of our business club./p>

At the Freedomlab campus, our beautiful location in Amsterdam, we have built a strong community of bright and creative minds, uniting in co-creative events and innovative networks.


Feel like supporting Redefine? We welcome you.

During the last year we have received so much support, in truly unexpected wahys, from wonderful group of people, who believe in our mission. i.

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